Wednesday, May 30, 2007


In the beginning there was something. What exactly that something was I cannot say. I know that it was both greater and less than I. Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I believe that I have found the answer to all of my queries. And other times, other times I see only more riddles. We are all children of sperm and an egg. Even if the source of one or both is a mystery to you, the truth cannot be denied. It cannot be denied that you were brought into existence in an incredible mess of body fluids. Regardless of your race or gender, you should never forget that in the beginning, had your creation not been a success, you would have tasted salty.
"And out from the belly of a whale came a prophet, amen." So, the great story goes. And like every prophetic incubation, the prophet emerged as semen to impregnate the world with the knowledge of the COD. And when the great Mother Earth drank in the semen of the COD, she swallowed it down like a good little whore, and proclaimed to the universe, "God tastes like poop!"
And so the story begins.