Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Good morning. It's the middle of the week, a.k.a., (Wednesday, Bhud-waar, Chaharshanbeh, yawm-al-arba'a, Idal, Pungenday). We're nearly at the summit, and like our good friend Prometheus, that bolder is seemingly growing heavier and heavier. I was reminded last night that donuts are a thing of beauty and damn it if I wouldn't kill for a crueller.

In 1812 Lord Byron, the famous poet, gave his first address as a member of the House of Lords. I wonder if it rhymed. In 1861 Polish protesters in Warsaw were fired upon by Russian troops, six Polacks died. In 1939 sit-down strikes were outlawed by the US Supreme Court. If you want to strike, you must do so standing up. In 1940 carbon-14 was discovered which is used in carbon dating. Many fundamentalist Christians and Muslims hate carbon dating because it goes against their limited capacity to understand that the Bible may not be historically accurate. In 1943 an explosion at Smith Mine #3 in Montana killed 74 miners. In 1951 the 22nd Amendment was ratified limiting Presidents to two terms. This is a good thing because I cannot imagine another four years of President Dummy. In 1973 the American Indian Movement occupied Wounded Knee, South Dakota. During the '70's American Indians were out of control and a big problem. To solve this problem, the US Government allowed them to open casinos and make big time cheddar. Confucius say: Throw money at angry people, they will soon forget they are angry. In 1974 People Magazine was published for the first time. The obsession with celebrities soon followed which gives Americans something to talk about and celebrities an inflated sense of importance. In 2002 a Muslim mob killed 59 Hindu pilgrims in India. Muslims do not just hate Americans and Jews, they hate everyone who is non-Muslim. To prove my point, an Islamic terrorist group bombed a superferry in the Philippines in 2004 killing 116. And as Droopy says, "You know what? That makes me mad."

In ancient Rome today was the Equirria, a horse race in honor of the god of war Mars. It was a purification festival honoring the military and celebrating the end of winter. A scapegoat was driven out of the city, but strangely nothing was sacrificed.

It is the second day of Ayyam-i-Ha. So, Ha!

In the Dominican Republic today is National Day. This country lies on the eastern half of Hispaniola and its capital is Santo Domingo. There are about 9.8 million people who live there and most of them work in either farming, mining, or the tourism industry. Most people play baseball and are Catholic. I don't know if there is a correlation between baseball and the god Cathol, but it'd make an interesting paper, if you were so inclined to write a paper.

In Russia today is the start of Malenitsa, a.k.a., Cheesefare Week, Butter Week, or Pancake Week). This is making me hungry. Basically it's a celebration of the end of winter and the last week before Lent. In other words it's a big party and everyone eats pancakes and drinks vodka. There's nothing better than washing down a stack of blueberry pancakes with a nice bottle of vodka. That's a good breakfast!!

Enjoy the Day of Hump. Please refrain from drinking vodka until after you have finished your pancakes. "Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites."

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