Brothers and Sisters, do you know what this world is coming to? (I think we're approaching tang.)
Ok, so, first of all, thank you o lord and savior, Tom Cruise, for allowing us to make it to another (Friday, Chukar-waar, Jom'eh, yawm-al-jum'a, Istiqlal, Sweetmorn). I see nothing but blue skies, blueberries, and a refrigerator in my immediate future. Being that it's the first Friday of the month, downtown KC celebrates First Friday with artsy type stuff going on. I will be in attendance because that's how I roll. And as I'm sure you heard, a bomb exploded in Times Square yesterday. It really wasn't much of a bomb and nowhere near as troubling as those poor rabbinical students in Jerusalme who got shot trying to study the Torah. Then there were multiple suicide bombings yesterday in both Iraq and Pakistan. We live in a volatile world.
In 161 Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus became co-Emperors of the Roman Empire, a first. In 321 Roman Emperor Constantine I declared that dies Solis Invicti (Sunday) to be a day of rest. Wait a minute, I thought that Jesus did that. In 1277 the Bishop of Paris condemned 219 philosophical and theological theses circulating at the University of Paris. Damn liberal academics. In 1850 Senator Daniel Webster gave the 7th of March Speech endorsing the Compromise of 1850 which was an attempt to avert a civil war over the slavery issue. In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell was granted a patent for the telephone. In 1965 Alabama state police and local police from Selma, AL forcefully dispersed a crowd of 600 civil rights protesters, an event which was televised and dubbed Bloody Sunday. This was not the event which U2 sang about in their song "Sunday, Bloody Sunday." In 1969 Golda Meir became the first female Prime Minister of Israel. Oy vey. Twenty years later China declared martial law in Tibet out of fear that peace loving Buddhist monks would meditate them to death. And two years ago Apple, Inc. was granted a patent for the iPod. I was fortunate enough to find an iPod a couple of months ago. I have still not used it because I am slow to make the move towards any new technology. By the time I learn how to use the damn iPod, the next big thing will have come out, and I will once again be made fun of by my homies and peeps.
In the SE European nation of Albania (which means land of goat lovers), it is Teachers' Day. The capital is Tirana and there are 3.6 million citizens all of whom love goats.
On the island of Bali, today is Nyepi, or the Day of Silence. This is a Hindu festival celebrating self-reflection. People are urged to be quiet, fast, and meditate. No one works and even the airport is closed. So good luck getting there today.
Happy Birthday: Robert Roy McGregor (aka Rob Roy); Ephraim Williams, for whom Williams College is named after- and no relation to me; William Rockhill Nelson, founder of the KC Star and the Nelson-Atkins Art Museum; Tammy Faye Bakker (we miss your tattooed eyebrows); Steeler greats, Franco Harris and Lynn Swann; and super hottie Laura Prepon.
Enjoy your Friday and have a good weekend. And we here at The Almighty COD would like to remind you that "We don't hate vegetarians, we just think they're funny."
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