O praise be to our spiritual leader and cultural icon Tom Cruise that it's Friday (Chukar-waar, Jom'eh, Yawm-al-jum'a, Istiqlal, Boomtime). "Hail Eris! Goddess of the Days! Boom me baby! Boom me on this booming Boomtime day! Like a great big kettle drum full of nitroglycerine! Boom!"
In 37 Caligula accepted the titles of the Principate bestowed upon him by the Senate which were basically an extension of the illusion of the Roman Republic. In other words, the title Princeps meant "first among equals" (equal to the Senate, not the common citizen) sort of like the President is supposed to be. In reality the Emperors held total power. Fortunately, our idiot does not hold all the dice or we'd probably be in a worse international position than we already are. Like all politicians, Roman Emperors were not always well-liked, and in 193 Emperor Pertinax was assassinated by the Praetorian Guards who then auctioned the throne to the highest bidder, who happened to be Didius Julianus. This would be like the Secret Service whacking GW and then selling the office to Puffius Didius. There's a sitcom or a really bad movie in that image... I can see it now... MTV Cribs does the White House. In 845 the Vikings led by Ragnar Lodbrok sacked Paris and then got a huge ransom so that they would leave. Despite the fact that you may have never heard of Ragnar, he was portrayed by Ernest Borgnine in the 1958 movie "The Vikings". I've never seen it, and I'm guessing you haven't either. In 1930 Constantinople changed its name to Istanbul. "Istanbul was once Constantinople, now it's Istanbul and not Constantinople..." In 1978 in Stump v. Sparkman the US Supreme Court ruled in a case which involved judicial immunity and forced sterilization. I don't care about judicial immunity, however the sterilization involved a mother who had her 15 year old retarded daughter's tubes tied. Apparently you don't have the right to do that. My opinion is that no one who is legally retarded (below a certain IQ) should be able to procreate. Murderers, rapists, child molesters, and insane people should also be sterilized. Ugly people too. The list goes on and on. There is nothing wrong with eugenics. There is something wrong with genetics. To screw up the gene pool even more, in 1979 there was a nuclear meltdown at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant in Pennsylvania. And in 2000 a school bus in Murray County, Georgia was hit by a freight train killing 3 children.
In the Czech Republic and Slovakia today is Teachers' Day. These two countries used to be one country and it was called Czechoslovakia. They split into two countries because the Czechs and the Slovaks hate each other.
Happy Birthday: Frederick Pabst, who created the best beer in the world; August Anheuser Busch, Jr. (can you believe that someone hated their child enough to make him a Jr.?); and Vince Vaughn, who is one of the funniest actors ever.
Enjoy your Friday, your weekend, and please in honor of Frederick's b-day, go buy some PBR and sing a glad song.
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