Good lord I'm tired of this cloudy, nasty weather. It's (Thursday, Veer-waar, Panjshanbeh, yawm-al-khamis, Istijlal, Sweetmorn) and all I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom... No, seriously, that's all I want to do. I don't exactly know what that entails, but it has to be better than work. The NFL has announced that it's season opener will be between the New York football Giants and the Washington Redskins. How is it that the Redskins have not been forced to change their name yet? Maybe that says something about how much we actually care about all that PC crap. The mascot of the pro football team in our nation's capital is a derogatory term for Native Americans. That's awesome. But, NBC is worried about the game interferring with the Republican National Convention which is on the same night. I'm not sure if they're worried about their viewers or the fact that half of the people at the convention will more interested in the game than hearing a bunch of old white dudes pontificate.
In 1329 Pope John XXII condemned the German theologian Meister Eckhart as a heretic. Eckhart was considered unique as he delivered his sermons in the vernacular because he wanted people to be able to understand what the hell he was saying. In 1513 Juan Ponce de Leon sighted Florida while searching for the Fountain of Youth. The fact that he thought that it would be in Florida is funny in that Florida is one giant retirement home. In 1613 the first English child was born in Canada. In 1625 Charles I was crowned King of England, Scotland, and Ireland and then he decided to claim the title King of France as well. That's like if whoever it is that's going to get elected President decided to claim themself President of Canada as well. In 1794 the US Navy was established. In 1836 400 Texans were killed by Mexican troops. In 1881 in Basingtoke, England riots broke out because the Salvation Army wouldn't quit ringing their damn bells. I think I understand this. Tell me that after four weeks of hearing those damn bells at Christmas you don't want to throttle someone. In 1890 a tornado hit Louisville, KY and killed 76. In 1964 the strongest earthquake ever in N. America struck Alaska killing 125. Thirty years later a tornado hit a church in Piedmont, AL killing 20. And six years ago a suicide bomber killed 29 people in Netanya, Israel.
It is Angolan Victory Day today. I don't know what they were victorious over. But this south central African nation is subject to politica unrest and was in the midst of a civil war for most of my lifetime. Its capital is Luanda and there are about 16 million people in the country that is twice the size of Texas. Its main exports are oil and diamonds and most Angolans are Roman Catholics.
Another predominately Catholic nation is Luxembourg whose capital is Luxembourg. This is a relatively small country which borders France, Germany, and Belgium. Luxembourg has the highest per capita GDP in the world and one of the smallest armies- only 800 soldiers. We should invade Luxembourg and take all of their stuff. Iraq didn't have S&%T.
Happy Birthday: Quentin Tarantino and Mariah Carey, who is pretty much a whackjob, but she is kinda hot and she can sing.
Please try to have a good day, and pray to whomever it is that you pray to for the sun to come out.
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