"'Don't Worry, Be Happy' was a number one jam, damn if I say it, you can slap me right here..."
Ok, so it's not Monday any more. That's something positive. Another positive thing is the fact that it's going to be warm tomorrow. Needless to say, today is (Tuesday, Mangal-waar, Seshanbeh, yawm-ath-thalatha, Fidal, Setting Orange). One bad thing about not having cable is that you lose touch with what's going in the world. I know, you can use the internet for things other than looking at free porn, email, and writing this damn thing... but why? Most of what you get is celebrity gossip and b.s. Although, I did see that the governor of New York got busted for soliciting prostitutes. I liked that he said that he didn't live up to his "own standards of what is right and wrong." That's crap. Obviously on some level, he thinks getting a $15 blowjob in a hotel in Dayton, Ohio is acceptable. If he didn't, he wouldn't have done it. I am of the firm belief that prostitution should be legalized nationwide. At least then the federal government could tax it and regulate it and not waste our tax money prosecuting it. In the end, it's a victimless crime. I know, someone's going to say that the prostitutes are the victims, having been forced into that lifestyle by circumstance (drug addiction, abuse, etc.). I don't care about that mess. It's a business, it has been around since the dawn of time. Where there are married men and priests that have some extra money to blow, there are women who will blow them for their money. It is what it is. Legalize it, take the criminality out of it. Tax the shit out of it and regulate it like a tatoo parlor so that it's as safe as bodily fluids can be. Legality won't make socially acceptable for our leaders and parents to participate in, they just won't go to jail for it.
In 1702 the 1st daily English-language newspaper "The Daily Courant" was published in England. In 1779 the Army Corps of Engineers was established. In 1824 the Bureau of Indian Affairs was created in order to figure out a way to handle the Indian problem. In 1845 self-raising flour was invented. I have no idea what that means. In 1864 a flood killed over 250 people in Sheffield, England. In 1888 a blizzard hit the eastern US and killed over 400. In 1918 the first confirmed cases of the Spanish flu popped up in Ft. Riley, KS. Ft. Riley is so named because there is a fort there. Apparently there is still a military base there to this day. The most famous person to come from Riley County, KS is Clementine Paddleford who was a famous food writer in the mid-20th century. She is mentioned in such well-known books as "The United States of Arugua." In 1959 "A Raisin In The Sun" premiered on Broadway. In 1977 Islamic militants took over 130 hostages in Washington, D.C. The following year Al Fatah militants hijacked a bus in Israel and killed 34 civilians. In 1993 Janet Reno beame the first "female" attorney general. In 1997 Paul McCartney was knighted. And in 2004 Islamic militants bombed a train in Madrid killing 192. Instead of getting angry and all hostile, the Spanish quickly voted in an anti-American government which favored cowardism instead of an all-out holy war against the jihadists.
In the northern European nation of Lithuania today is Independence Day. The capital is Vilnius and the nation is home to 3.5 million people most of whom are Catholic. Lithuania has the highest suicide rate in the world.
In the southern African nation of Zambia, today is Youth Day. There are 11.7 million people who live in Zambia, whose capital is Lusaka. The life expectancy in Zambia is under 40 years and the AIDS epidemic is severe, in 2004 over 100,000 died of the disease.
Today is Johnny Appleseed Day in the USofA. Born John Chapman, Johnny Appleseed became famous for his missionary work and planting apple trees. He was an adherent to Swedenborigianism, which is a mystical form of Christitanity. Swedenborgians emphasize charity and that your actions in this world determine your fate in the next. They are extremely open to the idea that your belief system does not determine your place in the afterlife. Marriage is considered to be eternal and the epitome of the human existence (both in this life and in Heaven). Self-love and materialism are considered to be the root of all evil and are tickets straight to hell.
Happy Birthday: Lawrence Welk; Rupert Murdoch, antichrist; Bobby McFerin; the very talented, Nina Hartley; former Pantera drummer, Vinnie Paul; Jesse Jackson, Jr.; and Paul Wall.
Have a wonderful day.
1 comment:
(Oops. I initially commented on the wrong post. My bad.)
Sigh. Prostitution is not a victimless crime. Did you really have to go there?
Also, I sat next to Jesse Jackson on a flight from Detroit to NY once. That was really weird. He slept the whole time.
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