Welcome to the last day of the week, aka, (Friday, Chukar-waar, Jom'eh, yawm-al-jum'a, Istiqlal, Setting Orange). Just so you know, I like being bald. It's liberating, it's easy, and older, ethnic women love it. This is not to say that I am looking for an older ethnic woman, but they seem to make strange comments to me at random moments that make me think they really like it. Another benefit is that I do not have to pay anyone to cut my hair which saves money. I am also aerodynamic. I also do not have to buy shampoo or conditioner, again saving money. On the downside, I go through razors much faster and razors are not cheap. Then there is the possibility of cutting my scalp, which I have on a couple of occasions, and man it hurts. Anyway, apparently there was a bomb threat at the airport in KC last night. Surprising because it's such a minor airport.
Today is a good day to be burned at the stake. In 1416 Jerome of Prague was burned for being a heretic. In 1431 Joan of Arc was burned for the same reason. Joan was accused of being a heretic because she refused to wear women's clothes. In effect, she was the first person killed for being a cross-dresser. She is the patron saint of the French, which says a lot about the French. In 1536 Henry VIII married Jane Seymour. Three years later Hernando de Soto landed on Florida and declared that it would one day be home to retirees and trailer parks. In 1806 Andrew Jackson killed Charles Dickinson, not to be confused with Charles Dickens, in a duel because Dickinson accused Jackson's wife of being a bigamist. First of all, that's like saying your wife is a slut. Second of all, someone who killed someone in a duel would probably not have a chance in hell of getting elected President as Jackson later did. My how times have changed. In 1854 the Kansas-Nebraska Act was signed creating the two territories. In 1879 an F4 tornado hit Irving, KS killing 18. In 1911 the first Indy 500 took place. In 1922 the Lincoln Memorial was dedicated. In 1982 Spain joined NATO. The Spanish, however, are complete sissies and by them joining NATO is really no better off. Whether or not you are in favor of the Iraq War, all it took was one terrorist attack, and the Spanish reneged on the committment to it. Way to stand up, there Spaniards. At one time the Spanish were one of the most powerful people in the world, today they are a bunch of skinny, whiny disillusioned babies. And in 1998 an earthquake in Afghanistan killed 5000. Once again, God has spoken.
Ok, well, it seems that it's Geologist's Day in Brazil and Indian Arrival Day in Trinidad and Tobago. No one actually cares either way.
Happy Birthday: Gale Sayers; Wynonna Judd; and guitarist Tom Morello.
Enjoy your weekend, I will be in Natoma, KS...doing what, I'm not quite sure yet.
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