How in the hell can it already be Wednesday (Bhud-waar, Chaharshanbeh, Yawm-al-arba'a, Idal, Pungenday)? I don't care how, really. I'm just glad that it is, I think. According to MSN, there is some debate on whether the earthquake, and aftershocks, in China are due to karma. This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. It's not due to karma, it's due to the wrath of God. The Chinese hate God and have no verb conjugation. Therefore, they are being punished. There are also too many of them anyway, so call it population control by order of the Almighty. And if you think something like this is beneath the Omnipotent, I would refer you to any number of Old Testament stories or that whacko minister Fred Phelps from Topeka.
In 585 BCE a solar eclipse occurred as predicted by the philosopher Thales. In 1503 Pope Alexander VI ordered King James IV of Scotland to marry Mary Tudor of England which resulted in "A Treaty of Everlasting Peace"a between England and Scotland. This lasted all of ten years. So much for everlasting. In 1588 the Spanish Armada set sail for the English Channel to engage the English fleet. In 1830 President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act ordering the relocation of Native Americans to places where white people would never want to live, like Oklahoma. In 1892 John Muir founded the Sierra Club in San Francisco so that middle class white people would have something their hippie kids to focus on in college other than beer bongs and trying to figure out where 4/20 came from. In 1952 the women of Greece were granted the right to vote. They were also granted right to wax their upper lips and backs but voting was generally considered to be less time consuming and interfered less with their nagging time. In 1961 Amnesty International was begun with a letter written by Peter Benenson. Amnesty International is yet another liberal organization created for the purpose of making white college kids feel like they are not totally wasting their parents' money. In 1964 the Palestinian Liberation Organization was formed to give Palestinian college kids yet another reason to learn how to build bombs out of household cleaning supplies. In 1977 the Beverly Hills Supper Club in Southgate, Kentucky caught fire and killed 165 old people. Firefighters reported that it smelt like burnt cabbage for days afterwards. And in 1995 an earthquake struck Neftegorsk, Russia killing 2000. Once again, this was due to the wrath of God, and not karma.
In Armenia today is National Day. Armenia was the first nation to officially adopt Christianity as its national religion. The capital is Yerevan and the country has about 3.3 million people. Armenians call their country Hayk, which is pronounced like the noise you make when you clear your throat. The economy of Armenia sucks. This is according to a reknowned economist. On the positive side, 93% of Armenians are Armenian Orthodox.
It is also National Day in Azerbaijan, the mortal enemy of Armenia. The capital of this place is Baku and there are 8.7 million people in this country which is very rich in oil and is 96% Muslim.
In the Philippines today is Flag Day.
Happy Birthday: Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond; Betty Shabazz, wife of Malcolm X and Detroit native; Rudy Giuliani; Gladys Knight; John Fogerty; and Kylie Minogue.
Have a good one, peeps.
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