Well la-di-fricking-da. Yeah, it's Wednesday. I know, I know, everyone is thankful. Being that it is Hump Day (Bhud-waar, Chaharshanbeh, yawm-al-arba'a, Idal, Prickle-Prickle), it's only suiting that some people started their day off right. I don't know what this means. The way not to start the day is waiting in line somewhere in Myanmar for aid from a foreign nation that's been delayed by your tyrannical rulers and likely stolen by the soldiers who are supposed to be helping but are likely suffering just as much as you are. So, I guess if you're not in that predicament, then you should feel lucky. Another way not to spend the day is being trapped under a pile of rubble somewhere in China.
I hate American Idol.
In 1607 Jamestown, VA was officially settled by the English. In 1610 King Henry IV of France was assassinated. In 1643 the 4-year-old Louis XIV became King of France. On his first day on the job he instructed his court to feed him nothing but cookies and cake and asked all servants to dress like rabbits and chickens and play with him whenever he wanted. He also asked that he be addressed as King Poopy Pants. In 1787 delegates began to meet in Philadelphia to write the US Constitution. In 1804 the Lewis and Clark expedition left from Hartford, IL. In 1863 the Battle of Jackson took place. This has nothing to do with Jackson, MI or Jackson County, MO or even Jackson M. No, this battle took place in Jackson, MS. In 1925 Virginia Woolf's novel "Mrs. Dalloway" was published. I have not read this book. I did, however, read "Orlando" which sucked ass. It was hell. There is a movie with the same title and it sucked as well. There is a good deal of nudity in the movie, so I guess that's ok, if you like nudity in movies. In 1927 the National Honorary Classical Fraternity Eta Sigma Phi was founded at the Univ. of Chicago for nerds. And you thought Lambda Lambda Lambda was cool, and Omega Mu's. And 20 years ago a drunk driver going the wrong way on I-71 in KY hit a church bus filled with Christian youths and killed 27 of them. That's injustice for you.
Happy Birthday: Dante Alighieri; Che Guevara; George Lucas, thank you for selling out; David Byrne, the wonderful weird soul; Robert Zemeckis; Tim Roth; Suzy Kolber, women should not be sports reporters; and Cate Blanchett, hot.
Have a nice day and please hump as much as you can, for the future of our great nation.
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