Welcome back to the Cheese Factory. After a long weekend, it's so hard to get back into the swing of things. And as someone pointed out, even though it's not Monday, it's almost worse. So, it may be (Tuesday, Mangal-waar, Seshanbeh, yawm-ath-thalatha, Fidal), but it feels like a Monday from Hell. Today is also Boomtime, and is the first day of Confusion. I don't know that I feel all that confused, but I do feel a bit out of my element. It's too hectic here. I am ready to retire and just sit back and enjoy life. Unfortunately I don't believe that's in the cards. What cards? Tarot cards? I don't know.
In 1703 the city of St. Petersburg, Russia was founded. In 1895 Oscar Wilde was imprisoned for sodomy. Dirty boy. In 1896 an F4 tornado hit St. Louis killing 255. In 1927 Ford stopped making the Model T. In 1937 the Golden Gate Bridge opened. Two years later Batman appeared for the first time. Batman is by far my favorite superhero. The following year, Nazi troops massacred 97 members of the Royal Norfolk Regiment after they surrendered, which is not very sporting. In 1941 the German battleship Bismarck was sunk. In 1971 a train wreck in West Germany killed 46. In 1975 a bus accident in Britain killed 32. In 1980 S. Korean troops killed 207 people when the retook the city of Gwanju from some rebels. In 1995 Christopher Reeve fell off a horse and was paralyzed. This was one of those sad events which really has had some impact in the world due to the call for stem cell research. In 1997 an F5 tornado hit Jarrell, TX and killed 27. And in 2006 an earthquake struck Java and killed 6,600. What a horrible day this had been, historically speaking. Maybe we should all go home.
In Bolivia it is Mothers' Day, or Dia de la Madre. Bolivia is the poorest country in S. America and is named after Simon Bolivar. It is landlocked and its capital is La Paz. Not to be confused with La Pez dispenser. There are 9.2 million people who live there and 55% are Amerindians. 78% are Catholics. Soybeans are the largest cashcrop, much like Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio.
It's also Mothers' Day in Sweden.
And in Nigeria, today is Children's Day. 42.3% of the population is under 14 so that's a lot of childrens.
Have a good day. Just remember that it's a short week. Peace out.
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