Isn't it great that the work week has begun anew? Nope. Sucks, big time. I don't know anyone who likes (Mondays, Soom-waar, Doshanbeh, yawm-al-ithnayn, Kamal, Setting Orange). I sincerely wish that the a hole would open up and swallow the Scarritt Building whole. Preferrably either before I arrive or after I leave. Since that is not likely to happen, I guess the day must go on. I am ready for the stormy weather to desist. This is getting tiresome. It's done nothing but rain it seems like. And it's now boring me. Earthquakes continue to wreck havoc and continue striking China, Nevada, and Greece. Obviously all places that God despises. There was something else... ah, yes, Allie and I saw the scariest looking anorexic woman in the entire world doing some weird shuffle thing on Saturday. Then yesterday we saw what appeared to be a 90-year old woman at the grocery store dressed like a hoochie mama. The world is coming to an end.
In 69 Roman Emperor Nero committed suicide. Can you imagine if the President did such a thing? I think people would freak the "F" out. In 721 Odo of Acquitaine defeated the Moors at the Battle of Toulouse. In 1534 Jacques Cartier discovered the St. Lawrence River. In 1732 James Oglethorpe was granted a royal charter for the colony of Georgia. In 1790 the Philadelphia Spelling Book became the first book copyrighted in the US. In 1856 the Mormons left Iowa City, IA for Salt Lake City, UT. Residents of Iowa City were heard to collectively say, "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out." In 1930 reporter Jake Linger was murdered over a gambling debt owed to Al Capone. In 1934 Donald Duck debuted. In 1953 a tornado hit Worchester, MA killing 94. And in 1978 the Mormon church opened the priesthood to "all" men, effective allowing black me to be saved. They were a little slow to get the memo on Civil Rights.
In ancient Rome today would have been the third day of the Vestalia in honor of the goddess Vesta, goddess of the hearth. To celebrate, women would sacrifice an unborn calf by ripping it out of a pregnant cow. This was the only time of the year that the sanctum sanctorum, or "holy of the holies" was opened.
I hope you have a good day. I'm going to try to find an firearm or possibly a grenade launcher.
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