That's Welsh for June. And we are in the midst of it on this fine (Thursday, Veer-waar, Panjshanbeh, yawm-al-khamis, Istijlal, Pungenday, dydd Iau). Once again, it has stormed. And I believe there's a chance for more rain yet. In related news, apparently God hates Boy Scouts because he killed four of them last night in Iowa with a cunning use of a tornado. Nothing sneaky about that. And now the whole Midwest is saturated and there's flooding in Indiana. I'm not really upset by that because Indiana sucks. Some people may know that I did at one time live in Indiana- Frankfort to be exact. It was at James Whitcomb Riley Elementary where my formal education began. Frankfort has about 16.5K residents. I don't remember much about living there other than we lived in a huge Victorian house with a screened in porch and had to drive an hour to go to church every Sunday. My little sister was born in Lafayette, Indiana, and I am a Purdue fan. This does nothing for my opinion of the state as a whole however.
In 1381 a Peasants' Revolt broke out in England. In 1418 the Burgundians captured Paris. In 1889 88 people died in the Armagh rail disaster in Northern Ireland. Ten years later a tornado hit New Richmond, WI and killed 117 people. In 1903 a bunch of band dorks founded the Sigma Alpha Iota fraternity for musicians because they were tired of getting picked on by the cool kids and wanted a club of their own. In 1943 the Nazis liquidated the Jewish ghetto of Berezhany, Ukraine. In 1964 Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life in prison. Three years later the US Supreme Court ruled in Loving v. Virginia that laws prohibiting interracial marriages were unconstitutional. In 1978 David Berkowitz, the "Son of Sam", was sentenced to 365 years in prison. And in 1994 Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman were murdered leading to that famous car chase involving a white Bronco.
In ancient Rome they were into the 6th day of the Vestalia. In the Philippines and Russia it's Independence Day. In Brazil it's Dia dos Namorados (Lover's Day). And in Wales it's Dydd y Dywysoges Gwenllian, or Princess Gwenllian's Day.
Happy Birthday: Austrian painter, Egon Schiele; President George H.W. Bush; Anne Frank; Jim "golly gee" Nabors; Marv Albert; and Pittsburgh Steeler linebacker, Larry Foote, who played at Michigan in college.
Have a good one.
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