What's up my people? I don't know how it can already be (Thursday, Veer-waar, Panjshanbeh, yawm-al-khamis, Istijlal, Sweetmorn). The week has been pure hell, but it's flying by. I can't seem to get a damn thing done, even though I've been working my butt off. Congratulations to the Detroit Red Wings for winning the Stanley Cup. Detroit needs something to feel good about, and in a city that loves its Hockey, this is what the proverbial doctor ordered. I've been getting a lot of flack for my anti-Obama rhetoric, but I don't care. He's not electable. It is what it is. And I don't understand why I am required to like the guy. Just because it's a historical achievement doesn't mean I have to agree with it. So, leave me alone. I'd be saying the same thing if Hillary had gotten the nod.
So, in 70 Titus and his Roman legions breeched the middle wall of Jerusalem. You see, if you look back through history, every major empire in the world has wanted to conquer the Jews, and in many cases get rid of them completely. I know that today no one understands why the Arabs hate the Jews, but the simple fact is that they're just one more in a long line of people who have felt the same way. In 1829 the HMS Pickle captured an armed slave ship off the coast of Cuba. The interesting thing here is that the Royal Navy has had 8 ships named Pickle. I hate pickles and I can't believe that the British monarchy would actually name a warship after the nastiest food item in the world. In 1837 Houston became incorporated into the Republic of Texas. I hate Houston too. In 1851 "Unlce Tom's Cabin" was published. I've never read it. In 1917 the military draft began for WWI. In 1956 Elvis Presley performed "Hound Dog" on The Miltion Berle Show. His pelvic girations freaked everyone out. My how time have changed. Shakira would probably have been burnt at the stake back then. In 1967 Israel simultaneously bombed Egypt, Jordan, and Syria beginning the Six Day War. No reason for Arabs to fear Israel. In 1968 Robert F. Kennedy was shot in LA by Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan. To honor him they named the stadium in Washington after him but then FedEx bought the rights to the stadium and now we've forgotten about him. In 1977 the Apple II computer was sold to the public for the first time. And in 1981 the CDC announced the first known cases of AIDS diagnosing 5 homosexual men in LA with a weird form of pneumonia.
Today is World Environment Day. So, please recycle and do other very white things.
It's Constitution Day in Denmark.
In Suriname, which is on the north coast of S. America, today is Indian Arrival Day. A large portion of the 487,000 people are of Indian (dot not feather) descent. The capital is Paramaribo and the economy relies on Bauxite exports. Suriname is the smallest country in S. America and you never hear anything about it.
In the Seychelles, a nation comprising 155 islands in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa, it is Liberation Day. The capital is Victoria and there are 81,000 residents most of whom are Catholic. The economy relies on the two big "T's" tourism and tuna.
Happy Birthday: Socrates; Pancho Villa; the Welsh author, Ken Follett; Kenny G., who will put you in a coma if you listen for too long; and leader of the Funky Bunch Marky Mark.
I'm losing my mind quickly. If you find it, please drop it in any USPS mail box. Thank you.
1 comment:
Take that Pittsburgh bitches!!!
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