Whoops, I just realized that if you hit after you type in the title, your post is published. That's interesting... I guess I'm still getting used to this deal. I'm sure there's all sorts of crazy things I could be doing on this blog, such as linking videos, etc. But I'm keeping things as simple as possible. The mere fact that this even exists is a miracle. To make my life unbearable, it's (Monday, Soom-waar, Doshanbeh, yawm-al-ithnayn, Kamal, Dyds Llwn, Prickle-Prickle). At least I'm not hung over like some people in the office. In fact, I haven't been hung over in over six months. That's a big change in my life.
So, in 1611 Henry Hudson's crew mutinied and set Henry, his son, and 7 others adrift in the Hudson Bay never to be found again. That would suck. In 1683 William Penn signed a friendship treaty with the Lenni Lenape Indians in PA. They exchanged BFF pendants and bracelets. In 1713 the British gave the Acadians a year to either swear allegiance to the crown or leave Canada. In 1686 Christopher Sholes patented the typewriter. Thank god we now have Microsoft Word, typewriters suck. In 1888 Frederick Douglass became the first African-American to be nominated for US President. Did you know Barack's middle name is Hussein? Seriously, that's a bad middle name to have. In 1926 the first SAT was administered. In 1958 the Dutch Reformed Church accepted women miniters. In 1959 a fire at a Norwegian hotel killed 34. In 1968 a stampede at a soccer game in Buenos Aires killed 74. In 1985 a bomb aboard an Air India flight exploded off the coast of Ireland killing 329. And in 1988, twenty years ago, James Hansen testified before the US Senate that he was 99% sure that global warming had started already. And today there's still some people who are surprised that the weather's really screwy lately.
Today is Victory Day in Estonia. Estonia's capital is Tallinn and there's about 1.4 million people who live in this little country on the Baltic Sea. Much of Estonia's culutral identity is derived from the Northern Crusades during which the Catholics killed a bunch of pagans using a military order known as the Livonian Brothers of the Sword.
It's Father's Day in Poland, Nicaragua, and Uganda. None of these countries have anything else in common. In Luxembourg today is the Official Birthday of the Grand Duke.
Happy Birthday as well to: Glenn Danzig; Randy Jackson, from American Idol fame; and Chico DeBarge.
Enjoy your day. Tomorrow it won't be Monday anymore....
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