If the fact that it's (Tuesday, Mangal-waar, Seshanbeh, yawm-ath-thalatha, Fidal, Setting Orange) isn't bad enough, it's Tax Day. I am not sure how it is that I owe the IRS and the State of Missouri taxes, but I do. FTS. The freaking government can suck dog balls. I wish I was brave enough to protest and not pay the bastards. But I am afraid of prison and increased fines. Call me a wuss. Someday, maybe I'll move to Idaho and join a militia group and change my name to Chainsaw or Buzzsaw or Hacksaw. But until then, I'll pay. Did I mention that I hate the government?
In 1715 some Yamatsee Indians massacred a party of Carolinians which started a war between the Indians and colonials. In 1738 Handel's opera "Serse" premiered in London. In 1755 Samuel Johnson published his dictionary of the English language. In 1865 Abraham Lincoln died. In 1892 GE was founded. In 1912 the Titanic sunk. Years later Leonard Dicaprio would star in a movie called "Titanic". I hate Leonardo. Do you think he's a Scientologist? One never knows. In 1924 Rand McNally published its first road atlas. In 1947 Jackie Robinson became the first African-American to play in Major League Baseball. Fifty years later a fire at a campsite killed 343 Muslims who were on their Hajj pilgrimage. And in 2002 an Air China flight crashed killing 128.
In ancient Latvia today was Tipsa Diena which was a festival celebrating the ploughing of the fields. In ancient Rome today was the Fordicia in honor of the goddess Tellus, or mother earth. In her honor they sacrificed a pregnant cow and burnt the calf fetus. Is that pre-veal?
In Hawaii today is Father Damien Day in honor of the Belgian monk who cared for lepers. In North Korea today is Arirang in honor of the late deity Kim Il-Sung. Yes, he was a god and the founder of the wretched state of North Korea.
Enjoy your day. And please light a candle for these birthday celbrants: Leonardo da Vinci; Emile Durkheim, and Seka. Don't forget to pay your taxes.
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