Welcome. I would like to start off by saying that it is (Monday, Soom-waar, Doshanbeh, yawm-al-ithnayn, Kamal, Prickle-Prickle) and that is never a good thing. But, after a few days of some very crappy weather, I think the tide is turning. I mean seriously, on Saturday it snowed, hailed, and rained in about a two hour span. That's ridiculous. One good thing is that Tiger Woods did not win the Master's. I'll be up front here and say that I hate golf (and Tiger Woods). It's not a sport. It's adults playing fetch with themselves and keeping score. It's also the greatest waste of land followed closely by cemetaries and parking lots. There are millions of people starving in the world and we're turning perfectly good farmland into golf courses. I would also like to say that the Mormon sect that they're attempting to break up down in Texas is a little strange. To be blunt, I have nothing against polygamy. If a man is brave enough and has the resources to have more than one wife, and the women are ok with it, I don't see the problem. Obviously, a 50 year old man should not be marrying a 13 year old girl. So, if that's the sort of stuff going on down there, then it should stop. There's a fine line between freedom of religion and civil law and sometimes I guess you can't have both. If you could everyone would be rastifarians and smoke tree.
In 43 BCE Marc Antony defeated the forces of consul Pansa at the Battle of Forum Gallorum. In 1205 the Bulgarians defeated the Crusaders at the Battle of Adrianople. In 1699 the Sikh brotherhood of saint-soldiers, known as the Khalsa, was created. There's nothing like fighting monks. In 1775 the first abolition society was founded in Philadelphia. In 1828 Noah Webster copyrighted his first dictionary. In 1846 the Donner Party left Springfield, IL for California. I'm guessing that this is one of those moments when someone in that party eventually looked back and said, "If I'd known what was going to happen, there is no way I would've signed up for this." But there's nothing better than having to eat your best friend in order to survive. Tastes of chicken. In 1860 the first Pony Express rider reached Sacramento, CA. Five years later Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth. In 1927 the first Volvo premiered. In 1986 hailstones weighing 2.2 lbs fell in Bangladesh killing 92 people. First of all, being killed by hail would suck. A 2lb piece of ice falling from the sky would really hurt. Second of all, what kind of hell hole is Bangladesh? They have the worst weather possible. I would like to ask the great big boss in the sky to please not let me be reborn in Bangladesh. In 2003 the Human Genome Project was completed.
Speaking of Bangladesh, today is the astrological New Year in Bengal and other parts of SE Asia. In South Korea today is Black Day which is a celebration for singles. They typically eat skewers of fried kitty cat. South Koreans may like filet o' kitty, but apparently they have a very good adoption system. In Angola today is Youth Day. It is also N'Ko Alphabet Day which is an alphabet created in 1949. I've never heard of it, but apparently it's used by over 27 million people in Africa. And in Russia it's Mologa Day. Mologa is a city that was purposely flooded upon the construction of a damn on the Tikhvin waterway and is now underwater.
Happy Birthday: Loretta Lynn; Pete Rose; Anthony Michael Hall; Adrien Brody; and Sarah Michelle Gellar.
"It feels great to wake up and not know what day it is, doesn't it?"
1 comment:
Great post, I am almost 100% in agreement with you
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