"Good god almighty, we were pannin' for gold, out on the banks of mighty Colorado..."
Yes, you are correct, it's (Wednesday, Bhud-waar, Chaharshanbeh, yawm-al-arb'a, Idal, Pungenday). That being said, it appears Hillary Clinton has defeated Barrack in Pennsylvania. I have completely lost interest in who the Democratic candidate for President is. Neither one of them is going to win. In a completely unrelated topic, the animal kingdom has once again made it clear that they are tired of humans mucking up the planet. A grizzly bear killed its trainer in S. California and a woman found an 8-foot alligator in her kitchen in Florida. This is troubling, sort of, but I'm guessing the alligator was attracted to the smell of cabbage being transmitted from the old woman's house. Alligators love to eat water buffalo, pigs, small children, and old people that smell like cabbage. I've made a vow to stay away from animals that are capable of killing me. I have also made a vow to accept that happiness is truly possible and not a myth.
In 1229 one of our many heroes, Ferdinand III of Castile, conquered Caceres from the Moors. In 1348 the Order of the Garter was founded by King Edward III. Although it sounds really girly, the Order is an honorable chivalric order and is bestowed upon the highest echelon of knights and ladies. In 1597 William Shakespeare's "Ther Merry Wives of Windsor" was performed for the first time in the audience of Queen Elizabeth I. I have never read this play nor do I know anything about it but apparently the leading character is a fat knight. I guess that he would have to buy his armor at a big and tall store. In 1940 a fire at the Rhythm Night Club in Natchez, MS killed 198 people. And in 1997 another massacre in Algeria took place when 42 people were killed in Omaria. (Note to self: stay away from Algeria.)
So, today is International Day of the Book. So, read one. In Turkey, it is both National Sovereignty Day and Children's Day. And in the US and Canada, today is Administrative Assistants' Day. So, everyone should be kind and polite to all Admin Assts and buy them cards, flowers, candy, and if you are their superior you should pay them compliments that cannot be construed as sexual harrassment.
Today is also St. George's Day in honor of the Roman martyr who was beheaded in 303. St. George had a large cult following during the Crusades, his cross, the red cross on a white field, became the badge of many Crusaders. It is also the national flag of England, and in that country today is a national holiday. St. George is also popular in Russia, Aragon, Georgia (the country), Serbia, and Portugal (among other places).
Happy Birthday: King Afonso of Portugal; William Shakespeare (maybe); William Penn; Kind Frederick I of Sweden; President James Buchanan; Shirley Temple; Roy Orbison; Lee Majors; Michael Moore (from Michigan); George Lopez; and Timothy McVeigh.
Enjoy your day after Earth Day. I hope you took a shower. I didn't.
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