There is no better day of the week than (Friday, Chukar-waar, Jom'eh, yawm-al-jum'a, Istiqlal, Prickle-Prickle). Let me rephrase that, there is no better day of the work-week. Normally everyone seems to be in a better mood because they know that tomorrow they will be anywhere other than where they are right now. I'm now reminded of a critique of Americans I heard from an old British guy. He told me, "Here in Britain, and all of Europe, we work so that we may live. In America, you live to work." This is so true and so sad. I'd like to say that I've come to a great many realizations over the past year, and one of the most important is that it is possible to be happy and to live what I like to call the "good life". The "good life" has nothing to do with money or possessions, it is merely being constantly in a place (physically and mentally) in which you are content and can honestly enjoy life. And this includes your job. Ok, I'm getting a little Dr. Phil on y'all. I apologize.
In 1581 Francis Drake completed his circumnavigation of the globe and was knighted by Queen Elizabeth I. In 1818 the US Congress adopted the official flag of the US which had 13 stripse and 20 stars. In 1841 President William Henry Harrison died of pneumonia becomig the first President to die in office and the one who served the shortest term. In 1850 Los Angeles was incorporated as a city. I predict by 2050 it will be somwhere at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. In 1887 the first female mayor in the US was elected in Argonia, KS, which is the first and only progressive thing KS has ever done. In 1949 NATO was created. Yesterday, NATO refused membership to Georgia and Ukraine, making GW really mad. In 1958 the peace symbol was displayed in London for the first time. In 1964 the Beatles occupied the top five spots on the Billboard charts. Say what you want about the Beatles, that's pretty amazing. It may say something about the rest of the music that was out at the time too. In 1968 Martin Luther King was killed in Memphis. In 1973 the World Trade Center was dedicated. Two years later Microsoft was founded. And six years ago the Angolan Civil War finally ended.
Today is the International Day for Landmine Awareness and Assistance. Please be aware that there are landmines out there. Probably not out there as in your neighborhood out there, but out there in 3rd World countries where you will probably never be going. But if you do go, you should be aware that there are landmines and that if you step on one you may need assistance.
In Lesotho today is Heroes' Day. Lesotho is a fictitious country entirely surrounded by S. Africa. The capital is Maseru and there are 2.3 million people that live in the country which just happens to be the only state that is entirely above 3300ft. in elevation. The economy depends largely on water and electriciy exports to S. Africa. 29% of the population is infected with HIV/AIDS and many of are Roman Catholic. I'm not saying there's any correlation here, although the Church's prohibition of birth control probably doesn't make promoting safe sex although at easy.
In Taiwan and Hong Kong today is Children's Day. In the rest of China it is not because you are only allowed one child so it is Child's Day.
Happy Birthday, Robert Downey, Jr. You are so lucky you are not in prison.
Please enjoy your weekend and your Friday.
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