Fine, it's the day after Tax Day, making today (Wednesday, Bhud-waar, Chaharshanbeh, yawm-al-arb'a, Idal, Sweetmorn, Hump Day) and I still am angry about having to pay taxes. I don't mind paying some taxes. Gas taxes are fair, they effect everyone the same, rich and poor. Everyone pays the same tax to use the same product. I understand taxing clothes, cigarettes, alcohol, restaurant bills, etc. Food should not be taxed, which it is in Missouri, but not in Michigan. Prostitution should be taxed, which it could be if it was legalized. Just as marijuana could be taxed if it was legalized. Seriously, think of all the money that would go into the local and federal economies if you made the potheads pay tax on their weed. I mean pot is pretty much a cross-cultural and socio-economic class drug. All sorts of people smoke weed. Black people, white people, latino people. Poor people, middle-class, and Willie Nelson. They're smoking weed in the projects of Chicago and at the homes of executives for software companies. I say lower my taxes by taxing the tree smokers. Please. (I am not saying that I smoke pot, btw, because I don't. I may have done so "in college", but I have outgrown it. And please do not comment on the fact that I was "in college" until I was into my 30's.)
Alright, so in 73 the Jewish fortress Masada fell to the Romans ending the Jewish revolt, oy vey. In 1521 Martin Luther appeared for the first time at the Diet of Worms (which has nothing to do with dieting on worms by the way- I looked it up) to answer questions about his religious postions. His answer was "missionary." In 1780 the University of Munster was founded. In 1799 Napoleon's forces drove the Ottoman Turks across the River Jordan at the Battle of Mt. Tabor. In 1881 Bat Masterson fought his last gunfight in Dodge City, KS. In 1943 Dr. Albert Hofmann discovered the psychedelic effects of LSD. I am not condoning drug use, but LSD may have changed my perception of life... In 1945 more than 7000 German refugees were killed when a Soviet submarine sank the Goya. This was not an accident. Two years later in another maritime disaster, a freighter exploded setting a fire in Texas City, TX which killed 600 people. In 1990 Jack Kervorkian carried out his first assisted suicide. In last year Sueng-Hui Cho completely lost his friggin' mind and carried out the worst mass shooting in US history at Virginia Tech killing 32. This was horrible. At first the issue was gun control, but the gun control lobby is almost as strong as the Israeli lobby. The issue has now become the fault of the mental health process and the some sort of failure by the university system which is supposed to monitor every student at all times, apparently. Just so you know, Va Tech has about 30,000 students probably has a mental health staff of about 10 five of whom are likely work study undergrads who barely speak English and could give a rat's ass about anything other than studying for the chemistry exam.
Happy Birthday: King Louis the Pious, of the Franks, who is dead and was more popular than his brother Louis the Bald; Pope Benedict XVI, who's in America as we speak, and feels really bad about all the bad touches that priests have been putting on little boys (and girls) throughout the years. Apparently Benedict has begun to make statements about the beauty of tolerating other religions, by this he means that you should be nice to people of other religions and not make fun of them or beat them or kill them because they will pay the price in hell. Kareem Abdul Jabbar is also celebrating as is Martin Lawrence.
Enjoy your day. I know I will.
Today is
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