Welcome to Hell. Yup, it's Wednesday (Bhud-waar, Chaharshanbeh, Idal, dydd Mercher, Boomtime, Hump Day). It's also the day in which the Islamic calendar began in 622 which is in honor of the "emigration" of Muhammed from Mecca to Medina. That's one way to put it. Or, one could say that the prophet and his followers were driven from Mecca beause the people of Mecca thought they were whackos. Much like the Mormons were driven out of every state they settled in or the Jews were chased out of Egypt. Of course in the mythos of these religons the flight always has some sort of cosmological relevance along with the persecution as a form of divine suffering. Persecution is always proof that god favors you. Suffering is a sure sign of the love of god. Here at the Cheese factory all are loved by god, apparently.
In 1054 a Papal Bull was placed in the Hagia Sophia excommunicating the Patriarch of Constantinople officially beginning the Schism between the Roman and Greek churches. In 1769 San Diego, CA was founded as a Franciscan missionary. In 1782 Mozart's "The Abduction from the Seralgio" was first performed. In 1880 Dr. Emily Stowe became the first woman in Canada licensed to practice medicine. In 1942 the French government ordered the police to round up approximately 20,000 Jews and imprison them. The French however will deny that they had any sort of responsibility in the Holocaust and say they were forced to do bad things by the evil Nazis. Three years later the US detonated the first plutonium based bomb in New Mexico. In 1950 Uruguay defeated Brazil to win the World Cup in what is considered to be one of the biggest upsets in the history of sports. The second biggest was Michigan getting beat by Appalachian State last year. I still can't believe that happened. In 1955 Disneyland opened in Anaheim, CA. In 1965 the Mount Blanc Tunnel opened linking France to Italy. And in 1999 JFK, Jr., his wife, and her sister were all killed when he crashed the plane they were flying in. Turns out they shouldn't have been flying in it and he wasn't properly trained to pilot it. Another Kennedy tragedy...
Happy Birthday: St. Claire of Assisi, who was very close to St. Francis; Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the Christian Scientists, not to be confused with Tom Cruise's whack job religion; Will Farrell- who is funny; Barry Sanders, who was a really great running back; Corey Feldman, who made some great movies; and porn star Jesse Jane.
Enjoy the day...
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