All I can say is that there is only one more day left after today. It's been one of those weeks. So, since it's (Thursday, Veer-waar, Panjshanbeh, yawm-al-khamis, Istijlal, dydd Ian, Sweetmorn), I think we should all go somewhere and sit outside and drink mojitos. Not because I need to, it just sounds good. I should say congrats to the Great Orbs of Pickle Juice for giving birth today. Hopefully all will be well with the bundle of joy. As for the drama in the office, it's gotten to the point of being stupid and not worth the stress that it's causing. Irregardless, I am NOT going to start riding the G-D bus.
In 988 the City of Dublin was founded on the banks of the Liffey which is one of the stankiest rivers I have been around. The whole city smells like a basement full of fish. In 1212 London burnt to the ground. According to Daniel Defoe, London used to stink so bad you could smell it from miles away...In 1584 William I of Orange was assassinated. In 1821 the US took possession of Florida which today smells like cabbage and sun tan lotion. In 1890 Wyoming was admitted into the Union. Wyoming's capital is Cheyenne and the state is named after a Munsee Indian word meaning "at the big river flat". Wyomingites refer to their state as the Equality State and the Cowboy State. Wyoming is the least populous state and therefore is likely the quietest and least stinky. In 1925 Meher Baba, an Indian mystic, began his 44-year long silence. That same day the Scopes Monkey Trial began in Tennessee. And in 1941 the Jedwabne Pogrom occurred in which the Jews of Jedwabne, Poland were massacred.
Today is Independence Day in the Bahamas.
In the NW African nation of Mauritania, which you never hear anything about, today is Armed Forces Day. The capital is Nuakchott and there's about 3 million people who live in this rather large country. Iron ore is its greatest export and most people are employed in either farming or livestock. 99.84% of the country is Muslim.
In ancient Latvia today was Septinu Bralu Diena, or the Day of the Seven Brothers, which was a Catholic feast devoted to seven brothers, Alexander, Vitalis, Martialis, Januarius, Felix, Philip, and Silvanus; who were martyred.
Happy Birthday: King James III of Scotland; John Calvin, the Swiss Reformer; Adolphus Busch; Nikola Tesla; Marcel Proust; Mary McLeod Bethune; Ronnie James Dio; and Arthur Ashe
It is also Silence Day, so please shut the hell up and do some work.
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