After a three-day hiatus due to an unexpected breech in my employment situation and hence a period of shock and severe anger, the world cannot simply stop, and neither can the COD. Yes, kind readers, it's true, the management (and I use that term lightly) at the Cheese Factory decided to sever their relationship with yours truly. And part of the reason which they gave me for doing so, was this very blog. Apparently one should not do "personal typing" while at work. One can, however, sexually harrass a co-worker, and get away with a "warning" and then be allowed to confront the employee who was harrassed. And if you were the individual who reported this event, you can be terminated. You will be terminated for reasons for which you have never received any sort of disciplinary action. Did I do some personal work while performing my role as a paracheddar? As this blog will attest, I will admit it. Did Modern Major General Onions once speak to me about this? Never. Was my schedule slightly erratic? Yes, it was. Was I ever formally disciplined for this? Never. Did either of these two things interfere with my job performance and cause me to miss "deadlines"? No. In fact I can count the number of times on both hands that in the performance of my job, I had a time-sensitive deadline. And in order to not get your work done, you have to be given work to do, and perhaps the tools to do your work, like a functioning printer. Am I angry? Yup. Do I want to return to the Cheese Factory? Not in a million years.
So, I will be continuing my daily rants and raves and reports from locations and times which will be more varied. I will eventually stop being angry at the "management" of the Cheese Factory and Shrek, the fat, disgusting, be-atch who's about as professional as he is attractive, and who I imagine will one day figure out a way to get himself disbarred. My advice, stop drinking a 12 pack of Pepsi everyday, wear a tie when you meet with clients for the first time, and realize that the Real World is not the place where you get revenge on all the cool kids from high school that made fun of you for being fat, disgusting, and a big flippin' dork.
To my former co-workers: if you are dark-complectled, i.e., not white, you should run. Despite how things used to be, the Cheese Factory does not like you. Two Hispanics and two black people fired in the past 7 months, all of whom were replaced by whiteys. If you value loyalty, honesty, integrity, or any other moral value, you should by now have realized that the Cheese Factory does not recognize such things as having anything to do with making cheddar. Despite the fact that the owners are self-proclaimed "good people", they will in fact throw you under a bus if they think that they can then turn around and sue the bus company and finally get that "million-dollar case" they're always going on about.
I could go on. But I'm boring myself. Stay strong and keep it real. The COD will swim on.
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