Holy Potato Wedges, Batman, it's (Friday, Chukar-waar, Jom'eh, yawm-al-jum'a, Istiqlal, dydd Gwener, Boomtime)! I cannot tell you how incredibly happy I am that this week is over. The soap opera that is the Cheese Factory seems to have subsided somewhat. But the ebb won't last long I'm sure, and soon the shores of our serene island will be once again cluttered with the flotsam of the demise of our rotting hull. If that's not bad enough, gas is soon going to go up even further, and I may have to consider the damn bus afterall...
In 1302 the Flemish defeated the French in the Battle of the Golden Spurs, making today a day of Flemish pride. In 1576 Martin Frobisher sighted Greenland. In 1740 the Jews were expelled from Little Russia, which is now part of the Ukraine. In 1750 Halifax, Nova Scotia burned to the ground. In 1804 in Weehawken, NJ, Vice President Aaron Burr shot Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton over remarks made at a dinner party. That's some OG shit. In 1859 "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens was published. I have never read this, but I have other works by Dickens and I hate him. In 1919 the 8-hour workday became law in the Netherlands. In 1955 the phrase "In God We Trust" was added to US currency. Five years later, "To Kill A Mockingbird" was published and was immediately banned from most public school libraries. I've never read this either. In 1973, the year of my provenance, a Brazilian flight crashed near Paris and killed 123. Five years later a gas truck exploded at a campsite in Spain and killed 216 tourists. Five years after that a Boeing 727 crashed in Ecuador killing 119. In 1991 a Canadian plane crashed in Saudi Arabia killing 261 people who were en route to the Hajj proving once again that God hates this ritual. And two years ago 209 people were killed in terrorist attacks in India.
Today is World Population Day according to the UN due to the fact that on today's date in 1987 the world population hit 5 billion. And that's a lot of people.
In Mongolia today is the start of the Naddam which is the national festival in which competitors vie for supremacy in wrestling, horseracing, and archery. I have included a picture of some Mongolian wrestlers... no comment is necessary.
In China today is National Maritime Day.
Happy Birthday: Robert the Bruce; King Frederick II of Prussia; John Quincy Adams; Yul Brynner; Giorgio Armani; and Lil' Kim.
Enjoy today and the weekend.
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