Chaharshanbeh, Tir 19, 1387- at least in Iran, where they've apparently tested a missile that's capable of hitting Israel. How much this effects anything is only known by those who deal in such matters. Probably not all that much. Iran is currently surrounded by the American military which is in Iraq and Afghanistan. And Israel has nukes already and is capable of turning Iran into a wasteland. Time is running out for the Neocons, unless McCain wins, though, so they better do something quickly if they really want to further their warmongering.
In other parts of the world it's Hump Day. Thank goodness. If it was only Tuesday, I might have to strangle someone. And as I'm sure you know that makes today also (Wednesday, Bhud-waar, yawm-al-arba'a, Idal, dydd Mercher, Setting Orange). In honor of today, I ask that you turn up for your favorite song, sing aloud so all can hear, and annoy the hell out of your co-workers.
In 1540 Henry VIII annulled his marriage with his 4th wife Anne of Cleaves. In 1793 the importation of slaves into Canada was prohibited. You could still export them, but the demand for Canadian slaves has never been high because they're so, well, Canadian. In 1850 President Zachary "old rough and ready" Taylor died of acute gastroenteritis making Millard Fillmore president. In 1868 the 14th Amendement was ratified granting African Americans full citizenship unless they lived in the South where they remained second-class citizens for nearly 100 years. In 1918 a train wreck in Nashville killed 101. In 1979 a carbomb killed two Nazi-hunters in France and was allegedly claimed to be carried out by ODESSA. Whether or not ODESSA actually exists is disputed. But it's supposedly an underground organization of former members of the Nazi SS led by none other than Dr. Evil. In 1982 a Pan Am flight crashed in Louisiana killing 146. In 1984 God struck the York Minster with a lightning bolt. In 1986 homosexuality was legalized in New Zealand. And in 2006 a Sibir Airlines flight crashed in Siberia killing 122.
In ancient Rome today was the Caprotinia in honor of Juno Caprotina and was primarily celebrated by female slaves who ran about beating themselves with fists and rods, naked of course, at least as I'd like to recall it.
In Argentina it's Independence Day.
And in the island nation of Palau, located in the Pacific Ocean near the Philippines, today is Constitution Day. The capital is Melekeok and there's about 21,000 people who live in this country. 75% of the population is Christian and the major industry is tourism. Two seasons of the TV show Survivor have been filmed there. I have neither been to Palau nor watched Survivor.
Enjoy the day. If you get the chance to hump something or somone it will be better for you and hopefully for the subject (or object) being humped. In New Zealand that person can legally be of the same gender...enjoy.
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