Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Waste Land

"Drive carefully, 90% of the people in the world are caused by accidents."

Yes, boys and girls, you are correct in your assumption that today is (Thursday, Veer-waar, Panjshanbeh, yawm-al-khamis, Istijlal, Pungenday). I am once again tired as I was awoken at 4 a.m. by a manifestation of a pre-cougral demon. Not to worry because I am a demon slayer. The Metro is finding itself plagued by dreaded precipitation which causes panic and chaos and infects the minds of all who get behind the wheel of a car. Please drive carefully.

In 1860 the first run of the Pony Express left from St. Joseph, MO for Sacramento, CA. In 1882 Jesse James was shot in the back and killed for a $5000.00 reward. Three years later Gottlieb Daimler was granted a patent for his engine design. In 1895 Oscar Wilde's libel trial began. In 1936 Bruno Hauptmann was executed for the kidnapping and death of the Lindbergh baby. In 1953 TV Guide was published for the first time. In 1956 the western half of the Lower Peninsula in Michigan was hit by an F5 Tornado. In 1968 Martin Luther King delivered his "I've Been to the Mountaintop" speech. In 1973 the first portable cell phone call was made in NYC. In 1996 the Unabomber was captured in Montana. And the following year all but one of the inhabitants of Thalit, Algeria were massacred.

April is the month we are currently enduring. The Romans called it Aprilis, although no one seems to know where the term came from. The Finnish call it Huhtikuu but since they have absolutely no influence on the world-at-large, no one cares what they call it. The Anglo-Saxons called the month Eostur-Monath. TS Eliot in his awesome poem "The Waste Land" wrote, "April is the cruellest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain."

Birthdays: King Henry IV of England; Washington Irving; Marlon Brando; Doris Day; Jane Goodall; Wayne Newton; Alec Baldwin; David Hyde Pierce (I'd like to hang out with that guy); Eddie Murphy; and Sebastian Bach.

Please mind the gap.

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